Niche Website Strategies…

Niche Website Strategies

I’ve recently been asked by one of Makemoneyonlinepatrol.com visitors to share some of my Niche Website Strategies for 2017 and beyond…

So here it goes, the following strategies really aren’t that new or groundbreaking but they’re the same Niche Website strategies that I use in any website creation project that I undertake!!

Provide a Good User Experience

Above all else, I continually strive to provide a good user-experience with my niche site…

I always try to add value within the content of my site…by continually adding fresh content, that provides specific niche information and solves many of the problems that people may be experiencing in that niche!

This fosters Trust and Creates long-term Value for your Niche Site!!

The simple act of continually providing helpful information within your niche site’s content is essential to gaining, virtually instant trust and credibility with your audience…

This also will ensure a loyal following, whom you can steer to appropriate niche-specific affiliate product offers in the future!!

This will, undoubtedly, lead to comments from your audience…You can always use comments to your advantage.

Comment Strategies

Website Comments Strategies

Comments are a great way to interact with your visitors and the Search engines will give a boost in rankings…provided I respond to any Comments in a timely fashion!!

I always strive to respond to any comments within 24 hrs.

Iam also conscious of the SEO in my Comment response.

It’s also a great way to foster additional comments from other visitors and gives me the ability to utilize interlinking techniques within the Comment response text…

This keeps my visitors coming back to my content…this is a great way to earn their trust and to keep them on my site.

I’ve found that no-matter the Niche I’m in, if I always strive to provide a good user-experience and always add-value within the content of my site…

Then I will eventually have a very Successful affiliate Niche Website that makes a nice monthly income…month after month!!

PPC and Promotional Strategies

Pay-per-click advertising strategies

I like to use a mix of PPC, (pay-per-click) advertising campaigns along with paid Solo-ad, (paid-email) marketing campaigns…when it comes time to,heavily, promote my website…specifically helpful Product Reviews that will steer my audience to reputable, relevant (affiliate-product-offers), of which I make a small commission when that (product) is purchased through my unique affiliate I.d.

From the PPC perspective, I try and target keywords with low-competition but get a relatively high amount of Search traffic.

I then direct that traffic to several relevant and we’ll written Product-Reviews…where I review and recommend specific affiliate offers to my visitors…

When they purchase that particular product I get paid a commission in the form of cash$$$…

I then, craft my PPC ads with good SEO, using a particular keyword-phrase within the body if my ad…this works great!!

I then begin to split-test ad-campaigns, scaling up the successful campaigns, while (deep-sixing) the unsuccessful ones.

I always try to shoot for earning ($1000) per mo. In affiliate commissions…within the first (60) days of the sites creation…

Believe me, this can be done, but just remember that it will take a little work on your part, initially at least, to get to this point…and you only have to do this arduous work one time…

From this point forward, it’s just site maintenance really…

And remember that ($1000) per month is residual…not to mention that earning ($2000) residual monthly income from your site, is definitely possible, again…with a little more work on your part!!

Writing a Good Product Review

Writing Good Product Reviews

I find that one of the best ways to keep visitors coming back to my Niche Site…is through writing good (Product-Reviews)!!

And what I mean by “Good Product Reviews”…is just that…A Good, Thorough, honest Product Reviews, with Great on-Page SEO strategies.

If you don’t like a particular Product?? Tell your audience just that…and list the reasons why…then provide them with an alternative product, within the same Niche…and you can still earn an affiliate commission from that product.

These are just a few of the methods that I employ when building-out any new Niche Website…

The trick is to be creative and have fun with it!! Create your own variety of Niche Website strategies that work for you…once you hit on the right combination everything will begin to fall in place and your traffic will become loyal to your Brand and site…

If you’d like to learn more about how to build a killer Niche Website…that you can earn countless commissions through affiliate Marketing…

Then (((Click Here))))

to see my #1 Make Money Only e Product Review!!!

I hope you found some useful informative here…and as always…feel free to drop me a note below…I really enjoy hearing from my readers and look forward to collaborating with you!!

Thanks again for visiting Makemoneyonlinepatrol.com and have a wonderful day:):)




    • Hello Martin…and Thank You for the kind words!!

      It’s really quite simple to come up with (Niche-Ideas) to build an affiliate site around.

      I generally like to target moderate to heavy competition…Niches. I first try to optimize my site…to gain the best chance of capturing the most Organic Traffic, as possible…

      then over time focus on the paid-email, PPC and even CPA campaigns that are relevant to my Niche…then relentlessly slept-test these campaigns…scaling up the the successful ones!!

      Some people feel that the more competitive Niches such as the Weight-loss, Make Money Online, Cooking, Baby products, or even Auto Insurance…are just too saturated to make any real residual money in…

      I’ve found quite the opposite to be true!! I’ve made money in all of these Niches.

      For me it’s all about creating value within my niche site and by providing a good user experience…with relevant, on-page SEO content…that helps my visitors in some way…

      I then can find relevant, Reputable Affiliate products…to build and split-test different FREE, as well as paid-marketing strategies.

      For example, in the (Highly-Competitive)…Weight-Loss Niche there are literally hundreds of legitimate Weight-loss products that you could eventually…funnel your targeted traffic to…i.e.Acia-Berry, Ab-Doer 360, Pilates or Piyao…all reputable affiliate products to build Solid, Ethical Honest Product Reviews around?!?!

      Just a note here about Product Reviews…Be Sure to Always, Always be honest and ethical, when penning your reviews!! If a product doesn’t deliver…just be honest and tell your audience that…believe me, they’ll appreciate your blunt honesty over a canned review and there’s still plenty of opportunities to turn your audience to another Niche affiliate product review that you Do…Highly-Recommend!!

      I hope this helps a bit…please feel free to reach out to me anytime…Thanks again for your comment and have a wonderful day:):)


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