Niche Website Strategies…

Are you struggling to make money online

I’ve recently been asked by one of Makemoneyonlinepatrol.com visitors to share some of my Niche Website Strategies for 2017 and beyond… So here it goes, the following strategies really aren’t that new or groundbreaking but they’re the same Niche Website… Continue Reading


The Importance of Developing Genuine and Helpful Content…

When building out any Niche Website…I never underestimate the Importance of creating Genuine and Helpful Content, within my site! It’s really quite amazing how many Niche Websites I see that are difficult to navigate, have entirely too much advertising going… Continue Reading


Leads Leap 2.0, Product Review

Today I’ll be doing a Product Review on Leads Leap 2.0 and will show you in detail how this system works and whether or not you can really make money online with this system?? Product Overview: Product Name: Leads Leap… Continue Reading


How to Get Free Website Traffic!!

Getting (Free) Website Traffic is easier than you might think… Today I would like to discuss some of the key components in building free website traffic. Free website traffic, is known as (Organic) traffic. Our goal, as Niche Website owners… Continue Reading


Laying the Groundwork for Your Niche Website

No matter what your Niche, there are some very fundamental steps that need to be taken, when it comes to laying the Groundwork for Your Niche Website. This may sound over-simplistic, but it’s amazing to see just how many websites… Continue Reading


Fusion Cash, Product Review

I was recently asked by a makemoneyonlinepatrol.com visitor… Can you really make money online with Fusion cash.net, or is it just another scam?? So today, I thought I would do a thorough product review of (Fusion cash.net) and give you… Continue Reading


A Word about Repurposing Content…

It’s essential that you Remember one very-important thing, when Repurposing your Content… Your Content Must Be (Rewritten), slightly…in your own words, or it will be viewed by the Search Engines, as Duplicate Content… Which will hurt your (Niche Website) Rankings, within… Continue Reading


The Importance of Adding Fresh Content to Your Website

Today, More than ever, it’s imperative that you add fresh content to your website, regularly!! Especially, when (building-out) a brand-new site…it’s very important to add fresh, relevant-content on a regular basis… Whenever I begin to build out a New Niche… Continue Reading


You Don’t Need to Know (HTML), to Build a Successful (Niche) Website…

It’s a common misconception that you need to know (HTML), which is an acronym, that stands for (Hyper-Text-Mark up-Language), in order to Build a Highly Successful Niche Website… That can Earn You ($1000+) each Month…Every Month!! The truth is, You… Continue Reading


Building a Successful Niche Website part (2)

Hello, and welcome to part (2) of How to Build a Successful Niche Website!! (Beginner’s Course) In part (1), We selected our Niche, determined who are audience is and what their needs are. We also researched what possible affiliate products… Continue Reading