It’s essential that you Remember one very-important thing, when Repurposing your Content…
Your Content Must Be (Rewritten), slightly…in your own words, or it will be viewed by the Search Engines, as Duplicate Content…
Which will hurt your (Niche Website) Rankings, within those Same Search Engines!!
Repurposing Content has to be done in the Right Way, in order for it to be beneficial to your website’s overall performance.
You see, the Search Engine’s algorithms ate designed to (crawl) for the most recent, relevant content!!
So it’s essential, that when re-purposing content and adding it to other locations within in your website…
That you (rewrite) a good deal of that content!!
Just changing a couple of words here and there isn’t good enough anymore…
You actually have to delve in to your paragraphs…and reconstruct much of your content, so it will meet (SEO) scrutiny!!
And you certainly don’t want to ,ever copy someone else’s work, without permission from the original content creator.
You must also, cite the author when referring to their content, in literal form.
When it comes to advertising your affiliate-links, or your own niche website, it’s perfectly fine to use the same ad-content…
Since, you’re paying for the traffic!!
I have found that Repurposing Content, works best, when I know (little-about) a specific topic that I want to write about!
I simply, perform several Google Searches and educate myself about the specific topic…
Then create my own content, using many of the ideas that were in my initial search results…
Being sure to write this new content in my own words!!
So, in the end there are several ways to Rephrase Content, while making it beneficial to your ad campaigns an your website’s overall performance!!
If you would like to learn more about an amazing affiliate marketing tool, that can help you with all of your Content Repurposing needs…
Then, Be sure to check out my (Wealthy-Affiliate) Product Review…
Wealthy Affiliate is a Very-Powerful Affiliate Marketing Platform that has helped thousands of internet marketers achieve success in creating online wealth…
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I hope you found something helpful in this post…
I look forward to any feedback or comments, you may have just leave them below and I’ll get back to you (Right-Away!!)
Thanks For Reading and have a wonderful day!!