Interlinking Website Content is Critical to Your Niche Website Success !!

Interlinking Website Content

Today, More than ever…Interlinking Website Content is Critical to your Niche Website’s overall success!! This might seem like old news to many of you…but it still amazes me, just how many aspiring internet marketers FAIL to link to additional, relevant… Continue Reading


How to Get Your Website Ranked on page (1) of Google…everytime!!

Today, more than ever, it’s imperative to get your Niche Website ranked on page (1) of Google, in the shortest amount of time possible…to achieve long-term online success!! That’s exactly, why it’s so important to get relevant-content up and running on… Continue Reading


How to Get Free Website Traffic!!

Getting (Free) Website Traffic is easier than you might think… Today I would like to discuss some of the key components in building free website traffic. Free website traffic, is known as (Organic) traffic. Our goal, as Niche Website owners… Continue Reading


Increasing Your Website Conversions

Ultimately, This is what we’re all after…an Increase in our website’s conversions!! But Increasing your Website Conversions encompasses several important variables. Today, I will be discussing several of these important factors… Is your site compelling and engaging?? Today, more than… Continue Reading


Internal Linking Strategies…

Today, I would like to discuss the benefits of having a good Internal-linking strategy in place for your Niche Website. Like it or not, (internal-linking) is the Future of all SEO… It’s been proven time and again, that you have… Continue Reading


A Word about Repurposing Content…

It’s essential that you Remember one very-important thing, when Repurposing your Content… Your Content Must Be (Rewritten), slightly…in your own words, or it will be viewed by the Search Engines, as Duplicate Content… Which will hurt your (Niche Website) Rankings, within… Continue Reading


What about Plugins??

Plugins, Plugins…Plugins… Which are the Best WordPress Plugins to use?? How do I Install them…and get them to work properly?? These are commonly asked questions, when it comes to the topic of WordPress Plugins. I prefer to have only the… Continue Reading


It’s All About the Passion…

Steve Jobs couldn’t have said it better!! “The only way to do great work, is to (Love) what you do!!” This applies to to building out your Niche Website Business, as well!! Sometimes it’s hard to maintain enthusiasm and to… Continue Reading


“Affiliate Marketing with Roy Carter” Product Review

I was recently asked by a regular visitor to (Makemoneyonlinepatrol.com) to write a product review on “Affiliate Marketing with Roy Carter” – 12 Month Course. Product Overview: Product Title: “Affiliate Marketing with Roy Carter” – 12 Month Course Product Medium:… Continue Reading


What is Affiliate Marketing?? How Does it Work??

I Know this seems like a very basic concept… But, you’d be surprised, at just how many people have never heard of Affiliate Marketing, or Simply don’t know how it works!! I get people, all the time, asking me just… Continue Reading