Ewen Chia’s – Copy Paste Income Review

Copy paste review

Hello, Today I will be Reviewing (Ewen Chia’s) latest product: Copy Paste Income.

Product Name: Copy Paste Income.

Product Owner: Ewen Chia

Website: http://copypasteincome.com

Price: ($37)

Verdict: (Scam Alert)

Rank: (2/10)

First off, I just want to (Alert) everyone out there, that’s considering purchasing this product…

that Even Chia loves to (Re-Package)…the same old, very incomplete system…and call it an entirely (New) How to Make Money Online Product…

Is the (Copy Paste Income System)..another one of those re-packaged products??

Copy Paste Income (Product Overview)

The Copy Paste Income system, initially claims that (virtually anyone)…with little or NO experience in affiliate marketing, can begin earning income, within 24hrs. of purchasing this system!!

All you have to do is follow the training methods and (Copy and Paste) your way to financial independence.

Interestingly enough, later in the Official (Copy Paste Income) Sales Copy…Ewen Chia, promises that you’ll be making-money, within (60) days…

What Happened to Making Money, within (24) hrs.??

Copy Paste Income Review

The Remainder of the (Official-Sales-Copy) is a lot of high-pressure fluff…and random screenshots of daily Clickbank Sales records that cannot be substantiated.

Copy Paste Income…What’s included??

When someone purchases Copy Paste Income…for ($37), they will get access to (3) hours of Video Tutorials and access to (10) re-bendable e-books, on affiliate marketing.

These e-books include:

  • E-mail profit maximized
  • Subscriber-secrets
  • Easy content cash
  • Pre-selling secrets
  • Internet X-factor
  • Secret Marketing Formula
  • Effective List Building Secrets
  • E-zine Secrets
  • How to Boost Your Online Sales
  • How to Create Affiliate Marketing Bonuses

All of the e-books contain very outdated information…tips and strategies that just really do not work anymore.

Maybe some of these strategies worked five or six years ago…but not in 2016!!

Ewen’s products have not kept up with the latest search engines algorithms…which simply will not index your site…if you’re employing his marketing methods.

In fact, based on the data that I’ve seen the search engines aren’t ranking any of Ewen’s products anymore.

He’s desperate for money!!

The only way he’s making any money with his affiliate marketing products, is by having affiliates, who no longer have a conscience, (heavily-market) these products from their respective websites.

Ewen’s style of marketing is way-too pushy…He promotes excessive affiliate-link spamming, which is unethical and will not get the job done…

Copy Paste Income Review

In addition, the e-books are very incomplete, when it comes to step-by-step implementation of His marketing strategies.

The e-books also contain endless Upsells..

There is potential here in building a mailing list, a little quicker, by giving these e-books away as sign-up bonuses to your site.

The (3) hour Video Instruction, is of Poor-Quality, with different instructors, who leave out very important information along the way…

The Video Instruction content is also dated…sound quality marginal.

This entire course really is an antiquity!!

Final Verdict:

Ewen Chia’s Copy Paste Income System is a (SCAM)…

It just contains the same old outdated and incomplete material…that No Longer Works in today’s, online world!!

Save your money and DO NOT PURCHASE this product!!

In fact, the only positive thing I can say about the Copy Paste Income System is that it you can Re-brand the e-books and give them away…as bonuses, for mailing lists…and that’s about it!!

A personal Note about Ewen Chia…


Way back in 2005, when I was struggling to learn how to make money online…

I purchased a couple of Ewen’s products and felt completely betrayed by Mr. Ewen Chia!!

I went through all of the training…and upon completing it, I was totally frustrated and left with more questions, regarding how to make money online, than answers!!

It is my personal opinion, that Ewen Chia is a Very Unethical internet marketer, and is solely, motivated by Greed…

He does not care about his students success one bit…

He just wants you to spend your hard-earned money on all of the old outdated crap that he’s peddling…

Be Very Aware!!

I have never and will never promote any of his work from home systems…

There is Hope…

If you want to Learn more about a (legit) how to make great money online system, then…

(Click Here)

This system is called…Wealthy Affiliate or (WA), for short.

download (24)

Wealthy Affiliate is, by far, The Best How to Make Money Online System on the Web…

It was created by two very ethical and down-to-earth people, Kyle & Carson.

WA is an entire affiliate marketing community that is THERE to HELP you every step of the way!!

Wealthy Affiliate has the best (Over-the-Shoulder) Video Tutorials that I’ve ever seen!!

This Video instruction walks you through the exact process of how to create a Niche Website…

Get traffic…Get rankings…and generate MONEY, from these sites!!

You can even purchase and host your domains at WA!!

It’s completely FREE to get started!!

So, what do you have to lose…I’m giving you the answer to your financial independence…right here at (WA)!!

It’s sure a hell of a lot better than that Outdated-Crap that Ewen peddles!!

Thanks for reading my Review of Copy Paste Income…

If you have How to Make Money Online product that you’d like me to Review, just leave it below and I’ll cover it in an upcoming Review.

Please feel free to leave any questions or comments you might have below…

I look forward to hearing from all of you…and Remember, that I’m always here to help!!

Until next time, Wishing You the Greatest Success!!




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