Can You Still Make Money Promoting Clickbank Products, in 2016 and Beyond??

Clickbank Affiliate Marketing

I was recently asked by one of my visitors to Makemoneyonlinepatrol.com whether or not you can still make (decent-money) promoting Clickbank Products in 2016 and beyond, from your Niche Website??

While many people are starting to feel that Clickbank is getting to be (over-saturatd) and has many outdated or substandard affiliate products…

In short, I still think it’s possible to make some good money from promoting Clickbank products…but it all depends on which Clickbank products you choose to promote and how!!

So, I though I’d do a current Product-Review of the Clickbank Marketplace!!

Clickbank affiliate products

Clickbank has been around for several years now…and has, to a degree, evolved over the years.

Clickbank has had its share of criticism regarding the plethora of substandard products that has hosted in the past…

Clickbank has recognized this trend and has added stiffer (product-criteria) for its advertisers.

One of these changes is the number of times that a product can be re-packaged, being only slightly-altered and re-released under a different name or version upgrade.

Advertisers now have to meet certain product-quality guidelines that have been implemented by the Clickbank advertising staff.

Also, due to the huge promotion of Clickbank Sniper-sites that became very popular after the release of George Browns Affiliate-Sniper products…

Which had nearly every affiliate marketer promoting nearly every (high- gravity) Clickbank product through small affiliate-sniper sites…

These sites were set up quickly, containing only the bare minimum of (pages/posts) needed to have a functioning affiliate marketing site.

With everyone jumping on board to this type of marketing strategy the Clickbank Affiliate Product Marketplace, quickly became (over-saturated) and nearly all marketers noticed greater reductions in commissions and their overall monthly Clickbank revenue.

In fact, many potential customers began to avoid purchasing any Clickbank affiliate offers all together!!

In addition to all of this, Google has responded by quickly changing its algorithm for 2016 and beyond…

Leaving the infamous (Sniper-site), style of advertising obsolete!!

I started promoting Clickbank-offers way back in 2005 and still promote certain specific Clickbank products…to this day.

And I have always been able to generate (decent-commissions) from my promotional offers, whether it be paid-email, PPC, or from good on page SEO strategies…giving me a substantial increase in my Organic-traffic!!

Paid advertising online

By (decent-commissions), I mean up to approximately ($500) per month from any given promotional campaign!!

($500) per month is nothing to “sneeze-at”!!

But it has to be the Right Clickbank product promoted in the Right-Way!!

No longer can you create mini-sites or hotlink and expect to get any decent organic traffic or really any sales at all!!

You simply have to create quality Niche Websites to promote your Clickbank-Affiliate products through!!

This is Not Hard, in any way!!

You simply select a Niche that you’re already passionate about and you build a Quality, WordPress-Niche-Website around that interest or hobby…

You then frequently add fresh, relevant, (quality-content) to that Niche Site, for the first (90) days…in order to maximize Google indexing and ultimately receive the highest amount of Organic-Traffic ,possible.

You then add quality, thorough Product-Reviews of your desired Clickbank Affiliate product(s)…

And, within in time you’ll begin to see good affiliate commissions start to roll in from your efforts each and every month!!

Just remember that all of the up-front “Hard-Work”, only has to be once, after you’ve added quality content to your site and you’ve done several thorough, Quality Product-Reviews, you’ll begin to see you’re commissions starting to increase!!

This process is simply replicated over and over again, in conjunction with other affiliate marketing strategies, until you’ve reached a monthly income level that you’re happy with…

How much you can make from your efforts is truly, limitless…

It’s entirely up to you how much time you want to devote to your online marketing business, which will ultimately determine your level of success!!

If you always strive to build the Best Niche Website that you can, regardless of your Niche…

Providing a great user-experience, continually adding value to your Niche Site…

Then you will become the Successful, ethical affiliate marketer that you’ve always dreamed of becoming!!

I hope you found something useful, in this short article…about Clickbank affiliate marketing.

If you’d like to learn more about the affiliate marketing business model and the (#1) affiliate marketing product that I recommend to all of my visitors…

Wealthy Affiliate Product Review

(((Click Here)))

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have…I’m always here to help!! Just leave your questions and comments below and I’ll get back to you right-away!!

Thanks again for visiting Makemoneyonlinepatrol.com

Have a Wonderful Day:)


Clickbank affiliate marketing


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