Niche Website Marketing
Steve Jobs couldn’t have said it better!! “The only way to do great work, is to (Love) what you do!!”
This applies to to building out your Niche Website Business, as well!!
Sometimes it’s hard to maintain enthusiasm and to stay focused, when building out your Niche Sites…
But, it really is all about the (Passion)!!
I can’t Stress this enough…
In, my opinion, this is the Number (#2) reason people don’t succeed at making money online!!
In case you’re wondering, Procrastination is Number (#1)!!
That’s why it’s so important to select a Niche that you’re extremely passionate about, to build your affiliate site around.
I can tell you, from my own experience, that all of my Successful Websites are built around a Niche that I’m knowledgeable about…
And have an intense interest in!!
If you apply this mindset while building out your Niche Website, you’ll find that it doesn’t really seem like work at all!!
Because, let’s face it…
When building out any Niche Website, from scratch…
Your going to have to be be diligent about putting some work in your site each day!!
I usually try to put in (2-3) hours into the building and managing of my Niche Website…
Especially, for the first (90) days!!
This is typically the time it takes for the search engines to give your new website, some credibility and an increase in rankings…
Provided your Niche Website, has been constructed optimally…
Optimized with good on page (SEO)…amongst other variables.
(Click here), to learn more about Niche Website creation.
So, it’s at this crucial (90) day mark, that you want your Niche Website to be running at it’s best…
With a ton of (Highly-Targeted) and (Highly-Relevant) Content!!
By a (Ton), I mean approximately (90) posts, and at least (4) Pages on your site!!
I know that sounds like a lot but you can handle-it!!
That’s why you gotta select a (Niche) that Your Passionate about…
Or it Will seem like work!!
Remember, the whole idea behind Developing a Successful Online Business, is to Enjoy What You’re doing!!
And remember that you’re Your Own Boss!!
And, You’re Working From Home!!
When You Want!!
Now I want to discuss, the (Posts), Themselves.
It’s very important to choose an engaging (Title)…So, visitors will want to (click-through), to read more!!
It’s imperative that you create rather (long-posts)…between (700-1,700) words…
With an adequate amount of optimized, (relevant-imagery), added throughout…
The Search Engines’ algorithms, Love this and (crawl) for this!!
All of this is done to Optimize your Niche Sites’ overall performance when it comes to capturing (Free), Organic Traffic!!
I know it sounds like a lot of work but believe me…
It Will Pay-off in the End!!
Remember, you only have to do this vast amount of work, for each site, only once!!
And you’ll be earning nice ($$$) Commissions each and every month!!
With, very little maintenance work…
Maybe a Post per week, after the (90) day mark, along with some relevant (Split-Testing) and (Scaling-Up) of your successful (Paid-Traffic) campaigns.
My goal is to be earning a minimum of ($3,000) dollars per month, at the (90) day mark and (Scale-Up), from there!!
That’s Not too shabby ($3,000+) per month from all of my initial efforts!!
Now I just sit back and collect the ($$$$)!!
And start this process all over again!!
That’s how you can become Wealthy, Quickly…
By applying these, fundamental internet marketing strategies…long term!!
I hoped you found some inspiration from this short post, on staying passionate about your content development!!
If you’d like to learn more about a Fantastic Affiliate Marketing Platform…
That was designed for Beginners…
I would love to hear your comments, or any questions, you may have…
Just leave a note in the comment area and I’ll get back to you right-away!!
Remember, if you’re stuck and need help..
Just ask…
I’m always here to help!!
Best Wishes with all of your online endeavors!!