WordPress Website Design

When it comes to (laying-out) the initial framework for your WordPress website-Design… You have a (Huge) advantage in using WordPress Themes, to express your overall Niche Website Design. WordPress, literally has Thousands of state of the art (Themes) available for you… Continue Reading


What is Affiliate Marketing?? How Does it Work??

I Know this seems like a very basic concept… But, you’d be surprised, at just how many people have never heard of Affiliate Marketing, or Simply don’t know how it works!! I get people, all the time, asking me just… Continue Reading


Advertising with Bing and Yahoo…

If you don’t already know Microsoft owns Bing Yahoo and (AOL)…and Microsoft ad center, is now Bing ads. Bing and Yahoo, accounts for (33%) of all internet search traffic!! The above statement, simply cannot be ignored!! Everyone is so focused… Continue Reading


Efficient Split-Testing = More Money!!

People often Dread the thought of (Split-Testing), when it comes to promoting their website. The truth is, (Split-Testing) ad campaigns doesn’t have to be such a daunting task… and by implementing efficient split-testing techniques, your website will get better rankings… Continue Reading


The Importance of Adding Fresh Content to Your Website

Today, More than ever, it’s imperative that you add fresh content to your website, regularly!! Especially, when (building-out) a brand-new site…it’s very important to add fresh, relevant-content on a regular basis… Whenever I begin to build out a New Niche… Continue Reading


Building a Successful Niche Website part (2)

Hello, and welcome to part (2) of How to Build a Successful Niche Website!! (Beginner’s Course) In part (1), We selected our Niche, determined who are audience is and what their needs are. We also researched what possible affiliate products… Continue Reading


Choosing the Right (Niche)

Today, I would like to discuss how to choose the right Niche for your website. Many people tend to over-think this. It’s really quite easy to choose a great (Niche) to build an affiliate website around… A great (Niche), could… Continue Reading


Alternative Traffic Strategies

That’s the question everyone wants to know…”How to get FREE traffic to my website?” Well there are many schools of thought on this topic…all I can tell you is how I approach this topic… I prefer to use alternative strategies… Continue Reading


Commission Smasher Review:

I was recently asked by a regular visitor to makemoneyonlinepatrol.com, to do a Review on Commission Smasher… An affiliate marketing product that promises…that anyone who “follows these step-by-step methods”… will be able to earn at least ($100) per day, starting tomorrow…seriously???… Continue Reading


Beware, Make Money Online Scams

There are literally…ten’s of thousands Make Money Online Scams out there!! The trick is knowing if the potential make money online product that you’re considering purchasing is one of them… Here are some very imporyant things to look for that… Continue Reading