You Don’t Need to Know (HTML), to Build a Successful (Niche) Website…

It’s a common misconception that you need to know (HTML), which is an acronym, that stands for (Hyper-Text-Mark up-Language), in order to Build a Highly Successful Niche Website… That can Earn You ($1000+) each Month…Every Month!! The truth is, You… Continue Reading


Building a Successful Niche Website part (2)

Hello, and welcome to part (2) of How to Build a Successful Niche Website!! (Beginner’s Course) In part (1), We selected our Niche, determined who are audience is and what their needs are. We also researched what possible affiliate products… Continue Reading


Building a Successful Niche Website part (1)

People ask me, all the time…”how do I build a Successful Niche Website”…that actually Makes Good Money?? So, today I thought I’d walk you through the steps that I take to “build out” a Successful Niche Website. This is Part… Continue Reading


Choosing the Right (Niche)

Today, I would like to discuss how to choose the right Niche for your website. Many people tend to over-think this. It’s really quite easy to choose a great (Niche) to build an affiliate website around… A great (Niche), could… Continue Reading


(PPC) Strategies

For those of you who may be brand-new to affiliate marketing…and are not quite sure what (PPC) is or how it works…here’s a brief overview… PPC is an acronym, which stands for (Paid Per Click) averting. PPC advertising is a… Continue Reading


The Importance of Creating Qualty-Content

Few people really understand the importance of creating quality content, these days!! Now more than ever, it’s imperative that you create quality, relevant- content…while building out your site. The search engines are constantly tweaking their unique, proprietary algorithms…to ensure that… Continue Reading


Alternative Traffic Strategies

That’s the question everyone wants to know…”How to get FREE traffic to my website?” Well there are many schools of thought on this topic…all I can tell you is how I approach this topic… I prefer to use alternative strategies… Continue Reading


Commission Smasher Review:

I was recently asked by a regular visitor to makemoneyonlinepatrol.com, to do a Review on Commission Smasher… An affiliate marketing product that promises…that anyone who “follows these step-by-step methods”… will be able to earn at least ($100) per day, starting tomorrow…seriously???… Continue Reading


The Wealthy Affiliate Product Review

The above image is Very Appropriate for this Review. This product is called Wealthy Affiliate…So Get Ready because this product, has truly changed my life and it can Change Yours Today!! (WA) Product Overview: Wealthy Affiliate was created and is… Continue Reading